The government has ruled out merging council pension funds in favour of promoting common investment vehicles for the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS), in an effort to save £660m annually.
Master trusts are set to come under further scrutiny following the publication of The Pensions Regulator (TPR) and the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales' (ICAEW) assurance framework.
The FTSE Group has launched its first set of benchmark indices that exclude companies operating in the fossil fuels market, following warnings over the financial risk of climate change.
The Pirelli Common Investment Fund (Pirelli CIF) has appointed Buck Global Investment Advisors (BGIA) to monitor and evaluate its fiduciary management arrangements.
Standard Life Investments and F&C Investments voted against Barclays' remuneration report at the bank's 2014 annual general meeting (AGM), as 34% of shareholders opposed its pay packages.
The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) has launched a consultation into changes to the Corporate Governance Code, with a strong focus on remuneration policy.
Dunelm Soft Furnishings underpaid its initial auto-enrolment (AE) contributions by £143,000 as a result of a defective payroll system, a report from The Pensions Regulator (TPR) reveals.
Trustee due diligence should be prioritised over member transfer rights in order to stamp out pension liberation, Margaret Snowdon says.
Naomi Rainey looks at the issues raised by 2013’s triennial valuation
The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) will work in conjunction with other regulators to develop actuarial assessment and quality standards in the coming year.