Towers Watson has started recommending its clients invest up to half of their passive assets in fundamental indices.
EMERGING MARKETS - Fundamentally weighted indices perform better in emerging markets than capitalisation weighted indices, according to Research Affiliates chief investment officer Jason Hsu.
Is there beta in currency? If so, will the creation of a currency index series, the FTSE Currency Forward Rate Bias (FRB) Index Series, help investors view currency as an asset class in its own right? Industry experts discuss the merits of currency as...
Sebastian Cheek reports on how indices are built to contend with varying market conditions
Sebastian Cheek reports on how indices are built in order to contend with the varying market conditions and the challenges looking forward
Global Pensions asked a panel of experts to discuss the growth of fundamental indices and how they are performing during the current economic climate
GLOBAL - Thomson Reuters has unveiled a range of 800 indices covering global markets - benchmarking specific countries and sectors on which investment vehicles such as exchange traded funds can be based.
Thomson Reuters has unveiled a range of 800 indices covering global markets to help benchmark specific countries and sectors on which investment vehicles such as exchange traded funds can be based.
GLOBAL - FTSE Group has added 33 companies and removed 15 firms from its FTSE4Good index following a semi-annual review.
FTSE Group has added 33 companies and removed 15 firms from its FTSE4Good index following a semi-annual review.