The Local Pensions Partnership (LPP) has invested £150m in private rental housing, joining a consortium of investors who have so far committed to £1.2bn for the build to rent platform.
Local Pensions Partnership (LPP) chief executive Susan Martin has resigned after three years at the local government pool.
The London Pensions Fund Authority (LPFA) has named Robert Branagh as its managing director following the retirement of Mike Allen.
The Lancashire County Pension Fund and the London Pensions Fund Authority have pooled £1.3bn of their existing credit investments into the Local Pension Partnership (LPP).
Councillor Alan Schofield has been appointed to the Local Pensions Partnership's (LPP) board as a non-executive director, representing the shareholder Lancashire County Council.
Nigel Topping and Dr Barbara Weber have joined the £4.6bn London Pension Fund Authority's (LPFA) trustee board as it seeks to strengthen expertise in infrastructure and sustainable investment.
The investment pool set up by the Lancashire County Pension Fund and the London Pensions Fund Authority (LPFA) has rolled out a new fund to investment in global infrastructure projects.
The Local Pensions Partnership (LPP) has set up a private equity structure, bringing together the investments of the London Pensions Fund Authority and Lancashire County Pension Fund.
Most Local Pension Boards have been running for 18 months now. William Bourne gives some insight into challenges faced and how to move forward
The Local Pensions Partnership (LPP) has launched a £5bn global equity fund made up of the pooled holdings of its existing main clients, the Lancashire County Pension Fund (LCPF) and the London Pensions Fund Authority (LPFA).