MALTA - Outlays on pensions have been blamed for the 5.7% increase in social security spending, according to a report by the Maltese National Statistics Office.
MALTA - The hotly-debated pensions reform has been allowed to fall from public view and the growing silence is breeding uncertainty among the people, said Green Party chairman Harry Vassallo.
MALTA - The Opposition leader has said pension funding and payments should be resegregated - as they were in the 70s.
MALTA - No pensions crisis will arise until 2025 and therefore a reform of the system is not an immediate necessity and should be put off until 2011, according to the opposition party.
MALTA - Due to the vast number of small, family-run companies, second pillar pensions are unlikely to be widespread, said Albert Tabone, chairman of the Alliance of Pensioners' Associations.
MALTA - The National Pensioners' Association (NPA) has expressed concerns over the quality of life of pensioners ahead of impending pension reforms being developed by the Nationalist government.
MALTA - Family and social solidarity minister Dolores Cristina has said second pillar pensions must be introduced "sooner rather than later".
MALTA - The Maltese government is to overhaul the country's pension system with the introduction of both the second and third pillars in a bid to ensure the adequacy of future pensions.