Deal secures the benefits of 172 retirees and deferred scheme members
Buyout, run-on or both? Whatever your scheme’s preferred destination, LGIM will help you construct the way forward
Business post strong results as workplace division wins 477 new schemes
PP brings together all the appointments in the pensions industry over the past week
In his annual outlook, LGIM Real Assets' global head of investment Strategy & Research Rob Martin considers long-term performance as the combination of structural tailwinds and cyclical opportunities.
LGIM appointed to oversee the investments of over 9,000 members of the scheme
Mathew Webb says schemes are looking to manage regret risk as they look to endgame
PP brings together all the appointments in the pensions industry from over the past week
For those preparing for retirement, the way ahead has rarely seemed less clear, says Jesal Mistry, Legal & General Investment Management (LGIM)'s Head of DC Investments.
A raft of talented women are celebrated for their incomparable achievements