Outflows from UK equity funds gathered pace in August, with £2.6bn of assets being pulled from the market area over the course of the month, according to Morningstar’s latest fund flows report.
Dan Roarty looks at how the companies with the strongest ESG ratings have fared financially in comparison to their peers throughout the pandemic
Sustainable investments attracted a large volume of assets at the start of the year, with net £1.3bn invested, over half of which went into a low carbon equity tracker managed by BlackRock according to the Morningstar Direct Fund Flows Commentary for...
Mercer and Morningstar have teamed up to develop a global platform for investment data, research and analytics.
ESG fund ratings are an oft-used tool for impact investing, but lack of standardised data means other analysis is necessary. James Phillips explores their usefulness
There are too high expectations on the pension dashboard to solve a lot of problems in the UK's fragmented system, says Gregg McClymont.
An index has been launched by IRESS to compare annuity yields against equities, cash ISAs and drawdown.
The Transparency Task Force (TTF) has named Jackie Beard as the latest addition to its ambassador team.
Thomas Nehring says the recent Brexit vote holds valuable lessons for DGF investors.