Here they are. The finalist lists for the WSB Awards 2022…
The awards - which are now in their 10th anniversary year - aim to find and recognise the employers which have the best benefits teams and offerings to staff and have done the most to improve these over the past 12 months.
In addition, the awards look to reward the best pension and benefit providers - recognising those that have done the most to help employers and their staff over the past year.
The winners of this year's WSB Awards will be announced at a presentation event on 8 September at the Marriott Grosvenor Square in London.
To book a table or one of our finalist packages, visit our website.
To find out further information about our table packages as well as details of sponsorship and other opportunities, please contact Will Bolton via email at [email protected] or by calling him on 020 7484 9796.
Further information about the awards can be found at: http://events.wsandb.co.uk/awards
The finalist lists are as follows:
10th Anniversary Award
10 Years of Excellence in Employee Benefits Award
- Aon
- Barker Tatham Investment Consultants
- Bluecrest Wellness
- Hymans Robertson
- Medicash
- Squire Patton Boggs (UK)
- Standard Life
Employer Awards
Best Benefits Strategy/Innovation of the Year
- BNP Paribas
- University of Lincoln
Best Pensions Strategy of the Year
- BNP Paribas
- Bupa
- ITM Limited
- Jacob Douwe Egberts
- Mintago
Best Communications/Engagement Initiative of the Year
- Age UK
- BNP Paribas
- Credit Suisse
- Ocado
- Reward Gateway
- Standard Life (for its work with the BT Retirement Saving Scheme)
- TikTok
- TPT Retirement Solutions
- Travis Perkins
Best Healthcare and Wellbeing Strategy of the Year
- BNP Paribas
- Elsevier
Best Flexible Benefits Strategy
- BNP Paribas
- Lowell
Best Mental Health Wellbeing Strategy
- Lendlease
- Santander UK
Consultant and Provider Awards
Benefits Innovation of the Year
- Barnett Waddingham
- Bluecrest Wellness
- Buck
- Cushon
- Legal & General
- Mintago
- SEI Master Trust
- TPT Retirement Solutions
- Zest
Employee Benefit Consultant of the Year
- Aon
- Barnett Waddingham
- Buck
Pension Consultant of the Year
- Barker Tatham Investment Consultants
- Barnett Waddingham
- Buck
- Hymans Robertson
- Informed Pensions
- Isio
Group Risk Consultant of the Year
- Barnett Waddingham
- Buck
- Isio
- Lemonade Reward
Healthcare and Wellbeing Consultant of the Year
- Aon
- Barnett Waddingham
Benefit Communication Initiative of the Year
- Bluecrest Wellness
- DrumRoll
- Legal & General
- SEI Master Trust
- Standard Life
- TPT Retirement Solutions
Best Use of Technology for Benefits Award
- Bluecrest Wellness
- Buck
- ClearGlass
- Legal & General
- Mercer DC Master Trust
- Mintago
- SEI Master Trust
- Spence & Partners
- TPT Retirement Solutions
- Unum UK
- WorkLife by OpenMoney
- Zest
Car Scheme Provider of the Year
- SG Fleet UK
- Tusker
Financial Education Provider of the Year
- Buck
- Fidelity International
- Isio
- Lemonade Reward
- Lifetime
- Mintago
- Scottish Widows
- Secondsight
Group Risk Provider of the Year
- Unum UK
- Zurich
Health and Wellbeing Provider of the Year
- Bluecrest Wellness
- Medicash
- ToHealth Ltd (part of PAM Group)
- WorkLife by OpenMoney
Pension Provider of the Year
- Aviva
- Cushon
- Legal & General
- PensionBee
- Scottish Widows
- SEI Master Trust
- Standard Life
- TPT Retirement Solutions
Wellbeing Initiative of the Year
- Bluecrest Wellness
- Buck
- ToHealth Ltd (part of PAM Group)
- Unum UK
Workplace Savings and Benefits Initiative of the Year
- Buck
- Legal & General
- Mintago
- SEI Master Trust
- TPT Retirement Solutions
- WorkLife by OpenMoney
Diversity and Inclusion Excellence Award
- Barnett Waddingham
- Dalriada Trustees
- Hymans Robertson
- PensionBee
- Punter Southall Governance Services
- Reward Gateway
- Standard Life
- ToHealth Ltd (part of PAM Group)