Hymans Robertson finds CMI model update could mean 3% reduction in liabilities
Excess deaths in 2023 were the lowest measured of any year following the pandemic
Life expectancy at birth fell to 78.6 years for men and 82.6 for women, ONS data from 2020-22 shows
Post-pandemic mortality continues to be in excess for the working age population, according to OHID paper
With longevity risk at 25% of DB investment risks, report urges schemes to assess mortality
Deaths from the virus have continued to fall in 2022
‘Lack of consideration’ of the pandemic’s full impact is leading to overstating liabilities
Roshan Tajapra argues that pandemic years should be taken into account for base mortality assumptions
The number of deaths registered in the UK in the week ending Friday 10 April (week 15) was 77% higher than expected if using the same standardised mortality rates as 2019, says the Continuous Mortality Investigation (CMI).
Pension schemes face higher liabilities as improvements in mortality rates trend towards their highest level in a decade.